You have to have a big vision and take very small steps to get there. You have to be humble as you execute but visionary and gigantic in terms of your aspiration. In the Internet industry, it's not about grand innovation, it's about a lot of little innovations: every day, every week, every month, making something a little bit better.
The blogosphere is real, and it can be really harsh on fakes... so, if you're a phoney, you're going to get your bell rung.
The only time I felt a little too exposed was for a week then I started life-streaming for a couple of hours a day on Qik and Ustream. It became very much like the film 'We Live in Public.'
The future of television is not on television but online. A majority of us are turning to our computers and mobile devices for news and entertainment, Millennials especially.
The tech and tech media world are meritocracies. To fall back to race as the reason why people don't break out in our wonderful oasis of openness is to do a massive injustice to what we've fought so hard to create.
What I've learned in my career is that it takes the same amount of effort to build a $10bn company as it does a $1bn company; you as the entrepreneur are going to put your entire life, your entire effort into it.
Near-death experiences give you balance. You become more worldly. Your ideas become bigger.
Google can say they are not in the content business, but if they are paying people and distributing and archiving their work, it is getting harder to make that case.
It turns out a human being in two, three or four hours can build a search result that's much better than Google, Yahoo or Ask.
Fire fast: Fire people who do not fit into the culture of your company and who are negative.
Back in the '90s, folks were not sure if they could trust the Web, and frankly, a lot of the services back then didn't provide massive value.
I think it hurts blogs when they have to turn off their comments.
That's one of the things I love about entrepreneurship is that if you see something that you don't like - and if you think you have a better idea - you can pursue your model.
All we have to do is find something we love doing each day, surround ourselves with like-minded people, and put all of our effort into that one thing at all times.
I ain't gonna work on YouTube's farm no more.
Instant access to anything is the future. So if you need a tutor or a baby sitter or a massage or any service, it's going to be instantly available, 24 hours a day, through your phone, with one click.
Obviously, New York and Boston and Los Angeles have pretty vibrant entrepreneurial scenes.
The companies that won't do well will be the me-too companies: the fifth, sixth, seventh version of Twitter, etc.
In the technology industry, a 48 hour work week would be, for most, a vacation.
No one has looked at news from new atomic units of content, like a tweet on Twitter.
For three or four decades, we've been sitting here in front of this TV consuming a one-way medium that we had no control over.
My first company produced 'Silicon Alley Reporter' magazine, where I held the dual titles of CEO and Editor.
Of course the first version of an all-electric sports car is going to be expensive.
Selling out isn't selling out anymore. It's getting the brass ring.