Jason Isbell Quotes
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The incredible cinematography makes 'A Walk to Beautiful' almost like a poem; there is a tenderness on display that seems to emanate from the camera. There is also great sensitivity to the women whose stories are being told - never did I have a sense of the subjects being exploited.
My childhood gave me resilience - and there's little that can surprise me in life.
Being at school, being who I am, being an athlete, it was hard to find people like me. There's not many athletes that can be at my level. That was kind of hard finding people who love something so much they want to keep on doing it.
When I wrote my eighth thriller, 'Inside Out,' in 2009, the villains were a group of CIA and other government officials who colluded to destroy a series of tapes depicting Americans torturing war-on-terror prisoners.
I don't need a piece of paper to suggest that I can commit myself.
When the Transportation Security Administration adopted body scanners at airports, activists wrote the Fourth Amendment on their underwear in metallic paint readable by the new devices.
An absolutely necessary part of a writer's equipment, almost as necessary as talent, is the ability to stand up under punishment, both the punishment the world hands out and the punishment he inflicts upon himself.
I think for me, personally, I'm a guy who has watched ESPN ever since I've been growing up. You turn it on, and it's one of the first stories - the Blackhawks and hockey, which you don't really see on that station. That's cool to see.
When you come after Americans, we go after you. It may take time, but we have long memories, and our reach has no limit.
No man is much pleased with a companion, who does not increase, in some respect, his fondness for himself.
Vtrubique autem orator meminisse debebit actione tota quid finxerit, quoniam solent excidere quae falsa sunt: verumque est illud quod vulgo dicitur, mendacem memorem esse oportere.
The pencil moved prophetic: together now men read In the fair book of nature, and find the hope they need. The wreath woven by the river is by the seaside worn, And one of fate's best arrows to its due mark is borne.
Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, interviewer (1998‐03-02). First Monday Interview with Linus Torvalds: What motivates free software developers?. Retrieved on 2013-06-02.
Every day I think, this will be the day I get taken in again . . . .
When I make a photograph, I make love.
Maybe you're going to a concert thinking you're not going to hear anything but music. But you may walk away from there with an answer to a problem that you're carrying around with you that you didn't think you were going to hear about.
Win any way you can as long as you can get away with it.
That's what's so wonderful about being in this business because you're constantly surprised. You have to be up for anything.
I think there is always a need for pure design. With pure design, you don't need so much decoration.
Action, you see, is the end that thought achieves. Action is its only purpose. What else is it good for? If we don't act, it's worthless.
Over and over, we hear politicians say they can't spend our tax dollars on environmental protection when the economy is so fragile.
Even when we turn around, there are no footprints behind us... Nor the road we came along, nor the tune we hummed... When we die, No-one will know it's happened
Our system never treated the failure of prison as a reason not to try more prison.
I like a cliche if it's sort of turned on its head.