Not every pass-rush move is going to work to perfection, so therefore, you've got to figure out what's best for you.
I don't like people knowing about my business, and my situation, so I try to keep out of people's situations unless they come to me and ask for help.
At the end of the day, media is going to say whatever they're going to say.
That's the whole part of playing football and having training camp. Coming in and recognizing how players play.
Did I ever get booed? I don't think I ever got booed.
When other teams fear you, that's a big difference.
We had bills to pay. My dad wasn't working, and it was tough for my mom. People were always raising the rent, so I had to work, too. Everybody in the house worked to pay the rent.
Denard Robinson was my quarterback in high school. Never had his shoes tied. I don't see how you can play like that.
There's not really a guy like me out here doing it with 7 1/2 fingers - still.
The only thing that can stop me from being me is me.
I've been through worst, seen worst.
I can't play 'Madden' without an index finger!
Without God and the strong heart that I have, I wouldn't be able to make it.
When it comes to the Cowboys, I always play great against them.
I don't vote.
I am a great pass rusher. I'm not saying, 'Do you think you can be?' I know I am. I am.
I lead by example. Everybody sees it.
I'm a vet. I know the game and know how to play the game.
I guess you could say I took the hard route. That doesn't work for everybody, but it's worked out all right for me.
Nobody can defeat you when you all are working together.
In this game called football, we don't know who's going to the playoffs.
I'd love to be a Giant for the rest of my career.
To play this game, you've got to have heart, and a lot of guys don't have it. I can sit here and say we all do, but we all don't.
Being injured, nobody wants to be injured.