As the polarization in D.C. spreads, the people willing to come to the middle find less and less acceptance.
The luxury for me is that I've spent already several millions of dollars across the district getting people to know who I am... So, my name ID is really, really high.
Sequestration will make it extremely challenging - and in many cases impossible - for employees to meet their mortgage payments, pay their healthcare expenses, plan for retirement, or help their children attend college. To be blunt, these families are at risk.
Here's the thing about Texas - and the thing about the border. We all know undocumented immigrants. They sit in our churches, are friends with our children, and work all around us. They are just like us.
I told the president 'no' to special treatment for Congress when he tried to exempt them from Obamacare.
You want to empower people who think like you do.
It's a lack of respect for the community when you're not willing to debate because it's the 'wrong' network.
This is pool. This is setting up your next shot, and I always want to make sure when we're setting up San Antonio's next shot we have a good shot at making sure that we continue to build our infrastructure in such a way that San Antonio will be a player for years to come in national defense issues.
I saw how hard my parents worked, and I didn't want to be a freeloader.
Our challenge is to stop people from driving drunk. Punishing them afterwards doesn't bring back the victim or make the family feel better. The idea is to stop the DWI before it happens.
When Congress puts party labels aside, like we did on VA reform, we can accomplish some great things for the American people. But those occasions were far too rare.
In Mexico, they don't have birth certificates... They don't have registration cards for voters. They have one national ID. We don't have a national ID.
I was impressed by the capability and talent and intellect of our troops on the ground. These kids are really impressive.
Congress is more broken than ever. Congressman Will Hurd has quickly become part of the problem.
We all want our border to be secure. However, certain individuals use this argument to stop us from ever enacting immigration reform.
One of the things in my experience about changing parties: There are very few exceptions to the general rule. And the general rule has been, people are going to invite you into the church, but they are not going to make you a deacon.
I think the post-Rick-Perry Texas is a Texas that is more competitive between the Democrats and Republicans. I think the Republicans still have a huge advantage, but I think if we're arguing that competition is good for the system, then I think a stronger two-party system in Texas is inevitable, and I think that it will happen.
Every decision I make in Congress will be centered on the needs of the district.
California - with more cars, more drivers and more people - still has less DWI-related deaths than Texas does.
I learned long ago you run unopposed, or you run scared.
In the district I represent, I have to talk to everybody.
Frankly, no issue is worth shutting down the government and denying pay to those committed to public service.
The irony is that kids are treated equally when it comes to tests and standards and expectations but not treated equally when providing funds to meet those standards and expectations.
We have a two-party system that I think can work well if people make an effort.