I'm not OK with clergy, students, and those of different opinions chanting and swearing, but it is their constitutional right.
America needs a bipartisan foreign policy that is predictable, pragmatic, and understandable.
ISIS filled the vacuum in Iraq and Syria created by a lack of effective governance.
Libya became a rat's nest of extremism after NATO helped depose dictator Moammar Gadhafi, and it now exports weapons, jihadists, and ideology to Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
I've got a lot of respect for Mike Hayden.
The overall feckless strategy against ISIS in Syria and Iraq enabled the Islamist organization to expand its domain and drive out more religious minorities.
Complying with requests from Congress is not optional. It is mandatory.
House Speaker John Boehner and presumed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell understand the art of politics.
The anniversary of the tragic attacks on September 11, 2001, and September 11, 2012, is a day to remember those who died and suffered. It is also an opportunity to open a new dialogue on the tactics and strategies that have been successful - and unsuccessful - in confronting, containing, and defeating the threat from radical Islam.
Ensuring that the intelligence community adheres to its responsibilities to report on its activities to Congress is absolutely essential.
Decisions concerning covert actions are not often easily reached.
America, at its core, is a country of strong and resilient people who are prepared to confront the challenges posed by those who seek to do us harm.
The fact is that no foreign-policy doctrine is perfect.
America's bipartisan strategy for years has been to deny jihadists with sanctuaries anywhere in the world from where they can plan, prepare, and train for attacks against the West.
A wounded Qaddafi still in power would be an ongoing threat and menace to the rest of the world.
I'm not OK with clergy, students, and those of different opinions lying and expressing hateful speech in the name of love, but again, it is their constitutional right. I'm not OK with their conduct, but in America we tolerate it, as obnoxious and spiteful as it may be.
Radical jihadists hate Americans for who we are. They cannot be managed. They cannot be trusted. Engaging them is a tragic fool's errand. We need to realize that they are at war with us and that we cannot control their motivations. We instead need to confront them, contain them, and ultimately defeat them before they defeat us.
The U.S. might have diminished al-Qaeda's capabilities in the border region of Pakistan and Afghanistan, but it has not diminished the threat from radical Islamist terrorists as a whole.
The policies and laws executed by the grand mufti in Libya, the long-term agenda in the short-lived Morsi government in Egypt, and by ISIS in its ideal Islamist Ummah are incompatible with the Constitution, period.
Boko Haram, by itself, has destroyed large areas in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger.
Gadhafi opponents included many 'good guys,' but they never received the support necessary to govern a new Libya after he was gone.
Clinton appears to be the sole holdout in the Obama administration in understanding the catastrophe caused by its foreign policy in Libya.
Choosing to arm and train the Islamist opposition against dictator Moammar Gadhafi unleashed its most ruthless terrorist elements.
Should President Clinton have killed Osama bin Laden when he had the opportunity in 1990s? Should President Bush have sent the U.S. military into Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein in 2003? Should President Obama have withdrawn all troops from Iraq in 2011? Such questions provide no real insight into future considerations.