I don't feel like a romantic lead; I guess I feel more like a character actor.
It must be odd, being recognizable. I would hate to lose that anonymity.
People like to think that actors are terribly worried about ghosts of other actors in the parts they play. But you just have to get on with it.
The security comes, as an actor, in knowing that you're not in control. If you try to control your career, or how people perceive you, you'll make yourself unhappy, because life doesn't work like that. So much is luck. It's much better to let yourself off, to think, 'There's nothing I can do.'
The lovely thing about being an actor is being anonymous, it's never having to explain yourself. And that's what I find interesting about actors or painters I admire. I don't want to know about their lives.
You never know how films are going to do and it is daunting if I think about it.
I would hate not to do a play every couple of years. I think it's not me.
Nobody's really unsympathetic, I think. People do good and bad things. If a character's totally unsympathetic, they're not real and I'm not interested. Even the real monsters have to have a spark of something you can relate to.
Nobody's really unsympathetic, I think. People do good and bad things. If a character's totally unsympathetic, they're not real and I'm not interested.
Some British actors are snobby about telly, and I don't understand that.
I did four or five years in telly, and by the end of it was drained. I was a bit sick of myself. I didn't feel like an actor anymore. That sounds silly, but when you're doing a play you're using different muscles, and it blew all the cobwebs away.
There's always a concern as an actor that you'll be boring unless your character is swinging from a chandelier.
Apart from earning an awful lot of money, why would you go to Hollywood?
I try to be fussy about the parts I play. I think that's quite prudent, it means you're stretching different muscles, and you're scaring yourself by doing something which is out of your comfort zone.
It's a real skill to be able to publicise yourself.
I have felt some twinges recently, about parts I wanted to play that I may be getting too old and fat to do. 'Hamlet,' for example - maybe that's gone. I would love to play Richard II.
Nobody's just arrogant. I've met people who are embattled and dismissive, but when you get to know them, you find that they're vulnerable - that that hauteur or standoffishiness is because they're pedaling furiously underneath.
I love TV and I love making films and I love doing plays. I feel very lucky to be able to do all three.
I think I do have a good eye. It's quite liberating, being in a position to read a script and say, 'No.' It's really the only power you have, as an actor.
I wouldn't want to leave it so long before doing a play again, I get very stolid and sluggish if I do too much telly.
I've worried more and more as the years have gone on. The more you're seen to be doing well, the more stress there is. You feel you ought to consider things more, and be more fussy - there's further to fall. All these little worries.
I think it sits quite happily with me, the condition of being an actor. I see some people getting quite eaten up with it, with the insecurities. There are times when I long for continuity and stability, but I also love the idea of not knowing what I'll be doing next - or even if I'm going to work.
You'd never play Hamlet if you started worrying about who's played it before you.
I think people ought to do what they feel useful at the time. If I do things because I ought to do them, I switch off.