Would you love a man of a broken shell after the passing of a women's soul?
The media landscape around the world, and the marketing landscape in particular, are radically changing at an incredible pace. Bob and his gang at R/GA have helped bring a vision of what the future is and what the possibilities are in reaching our patients and our customers.
You always want to do things in your hometown. The kids feel more a part of the community when they do.
All truth is very ordinary. It is peoples' fantasies of what is true that is so extraordinary.
China in particular is a very important market.
This sounds an extraordinary statement to make, but in fact all truth is very ordinary.
Would you love a man of a broken shell after the passing of a women's soul? Thoughts that I ask others several upon several, still feeling spirits upon spirits with the few moments of love, comfort, unity, & compassion all in a few seconds the holding of each other. The hole that is missing is slowly filled with happiness, joy, good or bad times.
The Olympic Games are about achievement, which is only possible if the athletes are in peak health. At Johnson & Johnson, we focus on the health and well being of people around the world so they can be at their best. This global opportunity will enable Johnson & Johnson to expand our reach in emerging markets and strengthen our businesses in developed areas.
It is peoples' fantasies of what is true that is so extraordinary. That that we were born and that we face eternal extinction after death is an extraordinary fantasy.
This partnership reflects a shared philosophy in caring for people, whether they are athletes or, in the case of Johnson & Johnson, people around the world. This global opportunity will enable Johnson & Johnson to provide enhanced health education, services and care to people around the world while expanding our reach in emerging markets and strengthening our businesses in developed areas.
The Hillsborough County School Board leadership has embraced accountability and made significant steps to improve student achievement. It is an excellent example of how an urban school board culture of communication, respect, commitment, and responsibility can make such a positive change in their district, their communities, and their students' well-being, ... CUBE and its member districts commend Hillsborough for a job well done.
All truth is very ordinary.
The new package design and label reflect decades of experience and everything we know about effectively communication with today's consumer.