If I go to a restaurant, other people stare. The meal is ruined.
If this fame, which people call my lucky break, were to stop tomorrow, I shouldn't care.
I don't think when I make love.
I'm too impatient.
I am really not interested in the cinema. I loathed it when I started six years ago, and I don't enjoy it even now.
I never get hung up on the past - the memories are too negative.
I am against the Islamisation of France.
I wasn't scandalous - I didn't want to be.
I leave before being left. I decide.
China once again disgusts the world, portraying the image of a cruel, perverted people devoid of any feelings towards animals.
People are forever finding something wrong with you.
It's better to be unfaithful than faithful without wanting to be.
When I love, I do it without counting. I give myself entirely. And each time, it is the grand love of my life.
I'm a girl from a good family who was very well brought up. One day I turned my back on it all and became a bohemian.
I live the life of a farmer. I don't see how I could wear Lagerfeld's designs while feeding my goats. I have respect for Lagerfeld as a man, but I would have so much more for him if he, in turn, respected animals. We do not live in the same world.
I never do anything by chance.
It's the decomposition that gets me. You spend your whole life looking after your body. And then you rot away.
I know what sin is.
My wild and free side unsettled some, and unwedged others.
The woman who made those movies, that's not me. She's someone else.
If I upset some notions and went against established rules, that wasn't part of what I wanted to do. It wasn't my goal.
Every age can be enchanting, provided you live within it.
I was afraid of not living up to what people expected me to be.
Among Muslims, I think there are some who are very good and some hoodlums, like everywhere.