The United States does not accept foreign meddling in our elections, and we shouldn't have an ambassador attempting to intrude in another country's political affairs.
We're only going to be able to compete in the world if we continue to be innovative.
I think there are a lot of Republicans who recognize that investment in adolescent girls and empowering them is good for our foreign policy. When they're educated, they tend to give back more to their communities, to rise out of poverty in a way that is good for their families and their communities and, ultimately, their countries.
The premise of insurance is to spread the risk. It's the premise of homeowner's insurance, of car insurance, and of health insurance. It's one reason why it's important to have insurance when you're healthy, so that when you get sick, you won't go sign up just when you get sick, because that increases the cost for everyone.
If we really care about impacting countries around the world and their economic futures, then what we need to do is empower women.
Low-wage jobs have gone offshore. We need to innovate to stay competitive.
There's definitely a world view among college students that appreciates the need to act in the international community.
I think everybody in Washington could use a curfew, to be honest.
The U.S.-E.U. partnership is indispensable to ensuring a Europe whole, free, and at peace.
I appreciate your concerns, and we have to be cautious and deliberate; however, I do agree with President Bush that Saddam has got to go. He poses too much of a threat.
United States forces have always relied on local allies to accomplish military and diplomatic missions and will need this support in the future. But why would anyone agree to help the United States if we have a record of breaking our promises and abandoning those who assist us?
We need to get answers to who in the Trump campaign was talking to the Russians throughout that campaign effort and what Donald Trump knew about any conversations that happened.
I want to reiterate my support for President Bush's goals for regime change in Iraq.
One of the things we need to do with North Korea, which is a rogue nation, is to get the international community in support of further sanctions, of keeping pressure on the North Korean regime.
NATO is indispensable to America's national security.
Any Democratic statement of core beliefs about the importance of families must include all our families, gay and straight. Our party has a long tradition of leading the charge on important questions of justice.
New Hampshire is different than Massachusetts. We have - well, we're the Live Free or Die state. We are independent.
We need to get young people excited about politics, excited about government.
We need to strike better trade deals, but we need to do it in a way that ensures that we are at the table on these deals.
When I had a group of undergraduates in the room, I would say to them, 'How many of you want to run for office someday?' And almost every male hand in the room would go up. And very few of the young women.
I think we need to get the measurements that Congress has mandated from the White House on how we're going to determine progress in Afghanistan.
The Kremlin hacked our presidential election, is waging a cyberwar against our NATO allies, and is probing opportunities to use similar tactics against democracies worldwide. Why, then, are federal agencies, local and state governments, and millions of Americans unwittingly inviting this threat into their cyber networks and secure spaces?
We need to invest in a way that makes sure we've got the workforce we need in the future.
Like many Americans, I am still haunted by images from the last days of the United States' withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975. Newscasts showed South Vietnamese desperately trying to scale the walls of our embassy in Saigon to board the last helicopter flights out of the country. The fear in their eyes was chilling.