Immigration is as much about the American experience and the values we share, and a lot more about economics than it is about politics.
I released 34 years of tax returns and 300,000 e-mails in my government record. To get the information from Hillary Clinton, you need to get a subpoena from the FBI.
If you could bring to me a majority of people to say that we're going to have $10 of spending cuts for $1 of revenue enhancement, put me in, coach.
But without a caring society, without each citizen voluntarily accepting the weight of responsibility, government is destined to grow even larger, taking more of your money, burrowing deeper into your lives.
I want my voice to have purpose.
I get tired of hearing people, well-meaning people, talking about African-American kids or Hispanic kids as if they're all the same. Which isn't true. There is a very diverse group of people in both groups in terms of income, objectives in life, aspirations, cultural wants, habits, all the things that make us unique Americans.
There's a lot of obsession about people's personal ambitions.
It's important to build trust if you're trying to deal with big things. Big issues require everybody to get outside their comfort zone, and people are more willing to do so if they believe that their partner is sincere in their efforts. And the only way you can do that is to engage them on a personal level.
Children shouldn’t be used as a negotiating tool. @realDonaldTrump should end this heartless policy and Congress should get an immigration deal done that provides for asylum reform, border security and a path to citizenship for Dreamers.
It's hard to be a son of a candidate. It's hard to be a brother of a candidate. I think it may be the hardest thing to be the dad of the candidate.
I am my own man. I governed as a conservative, and I govern effectively. And the net effect was, during my eight years, 1.3 million jobs were created. We left the state better off because I applied conservative principles in a purple state the right way, and people rose up.
It's really important to recognize that family life in America has changed pretty dramatically.
I get to advocate issues and ideas that I believe in.
I acted on my core beliefs on social issues as governor.
Apparently there are some Democratic leaders in the Senate that are running for office who now believe in tax cuts.
There are people who believe in expanding the welfare state across the spectrum of races and ethnicities and creeds.
States are free to modify the Common Core State Standards or adopt their own individual standards, because academic standards are the prerogative of the states.
There is no other country that has the Cuban Adjustment Act; that's why it's called the Cuban Adjustment Act and not the Nicaraguan Adjustment Act.
It's a complex relationship when your dad happened to be president and you are president and then you have all the amateur psychology that goes on when people try to speculate about motivations.
I have a blessed life in so many ways.
You tell me which society is going to be the winner in this 21st Century: One that worries about how we feel or the one that worries about making sure that the next generation has the capacity to eat everybody's lunch.
I don't wake up each morning saying, 'Oh, wow, it's me. I think I'm the cat's meow. I'm the best.'
We have a wealth of talent in the Republican Party.
I've been so blessed to be part of a family that has dedicated its life to public service.