Why couldn't four people want to get married? Why not one man and three women or three women and one man? I mean, it's disgusting.
With the rise of the push for gay rights, it is beyond wanting there to be an appreciation and respect for gay rights. Now a segment of our population is seeking to have that right trump religious freedom.
We're going back to that time where debauchery rules.
Current and former Assistant Attorneys General have a duty to follow all rules related to the practice of law in the state of Texas.
Biblical counselors and therapists, we've seen cases in New Jersey and in California where folks have gotten in trouble because they gave biblical counseling and, you know, the issue is always, it's same sex. And if you're giving conversion therapy, that's been outlawed in at least two states and then in some local areas.
It's just like - you know, you read the New Testament and you read about all the things, and you think, 'Oh, that's not going on in our community.' Oh yes it is.
We are seeing people of faith being attacked, discriminated against, and losing their jobs because they are speaking out on the marriage issue.
I would bring a $100 bill, and I would say, 'Alright, first person' - and everybody has their iPhone - and I would say, 'First person to find in the Constitution the phrase 'separation of church and state' gets this $100 bill'... And you know what - and everybody knows that, right? - that phrase isn't in the U.S. Constitution. It's nowhere.