I have a theory that people tell you everything you need to know the first week you meet them. And often even on the first date.
The key to growth is acknowledging your fear of the unknown and jumping in anyway.
See failures as learning experiences, not character faults.
We notice in others only those things that relate to ourselves. For example, you could find someone hilarious and brilliant, and I could find the same person idiotic and annoying. It's the same person doing the same thing, but because we are viewing them from our own unique perspectives, they mirror back to us something different.
If you're taking a risk and you are not scared in some way, you're doing something wrong.
Even though most of us love, love, love it when we're flush with cash, and we fantasize about what we'd do with more of it, we'd feel gross saying 'I love money' out loud.
I grew up in suburban New York, and my family wasn't much on traveling, so when I arrived at my alma mater, The Colorado College, I'd never been out West before, seen a 14,000-foot mountain, experienced snow in 70-degree weather, or come into contact with something called a 'dude.'
I got my first real job, one that didn't involve wearing a hairnet or bending over the hood of a wet car with a towel in my hand, in the early '90s working for CBS Records. While there, I started my first of several rock bands and eventually wrote my first book, the semi-autobiographical novel, 'Don't Sleep With Your Drummer.'
We're all born with the capacity to be our best selves - to be who we really are. Then we hear the messages that exist in our fear-based society, and we get beaten down. Being confident means peeling away the doubt, fear, and worry and getting back to our core. Confident people have learned how to get back to their pure selves.
Overwhelm is, most often, a mindset. If you think about all the things you have to do, you'll be face down on the floor. It really helps to break it down into smaller pieces.
We love to commiserate and troubleshoot and prepare for the worst, and gratitude yanks us out of that and reminds us of the ridiculous amount of infinite blessings that are around us at all times.
Make an effort to do the things that you enjoy instead of being lazy about it. Life is worth the hassle.
We humans can get used to anything. It really is remarkable. The problem is that we often use this glorious ability of ours to stay stuck in mediocrity. Oh, the years we waste adapting to lousy marriages, soul-sucking jobs, being friends with people who are rude to waitresses.
If you want to be a powerful woman, you need money. It gives you options and freedom so you don't have to think about money all the time.
You have to get outside of your comfort zone if you're going to make significant changes in your life, and since few things scare people like the unknown, feeling fear is an excellent sign that you're on the right track.
Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality.
For me, I feel like God is intuition and an inner knowing. I think it's difficult to be successful without that because that's where you have to come from if you're really going to knock it out of the park. For me, it's more a sort of a universal energy.
Scare yourself every day, and do something that makes you feel totally excited and totally terrified.
Treat everyone on Earth like you're staying in their home. Because you are.
We are on this planet but once, and to spend it holding back our gushing appreciation of the things that light us up is a shameful waste.
So many people subconsciously shy away from getting rich because they believe they'll be judged, they'll lose the people they love, they believe that desiring money is a bad thing, money is the root of all evil, etc.
For the vast majority of my adult life, I was a freelance writer, forever scrambling for work that paid an insulting non-amount.
I'm in trouble with some activist women because I refuse to say I'm bisexual.
If you want to change your life, you have to do things you've never done before.