Sometimes I like to think it would be nice if you just had a character, and your personal life was your personal life. My life is definitely out there, you know?
There is no cure for ugly, but you can make yourself into a human optical illusion.
I'm not an actor.
What I get to do is have fun in my house, by myself, and put it on the Internet.
The days I'm not doing videos, I always have random stuff. We do production meeting stuff. Those are so stupid. Everyone's like, 'We like you; we don't know what to do with you.' I'm like, 'Cool.'
There's a big difference between me and other YouTubers - a lot of them have big, concrete plans. I'm still this weird chicken with my head cut off. I don't know what I want to do next and haven't known that since I started.
I came out of my shell in college.
If you were born really ugly like me, have no fear. There's steps you can take to be good-looking. Kind of.
I can pretty much justify anything as work if I'm reading the news or whatever.
I have had a lot of cool offers to move into traditional media, but I'm not completely sold I have to do that.