Sports gives us the grandest opportunity of all to talk about reaching down and helping up or getting on somebody else's shoulders.
Have we gotten too full of ourselves? Possibly.
Television has always been our No. 1 competition. But I know firsthand that you can create an experience you can't get on television. I also know that the social experience has an appeal.
Only 7 percent of NFL fans have ever been inside an NFL stadium.
The stat is the score. And when you don't win that score, nothing good happens.
This quarterback Weeden can drive the ball down field. He's a thing of beauty on throwing a football. His passing motion and his arm, frankly, you won't see a more gifted passer, power, accuracy, the entire aspect of it.
Personally, it was hard to see Emmitt in red.
I paid more for the Dallas Cowboys than anyone prior than that had ever paid to get involved in sports. But I wanted to be a part of the future of the Dallas Cowboys.
When I look back on my life, I overpaid for my big successes every time. And when I tried to get a bargain, get it a little cheaper or get a better deal on it, I ended up usually either getting it and not happy I got it. Or missing it.
I never had naming rights at Texas Stadium.
It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if we didn't have a salary cap.
I promise you that during my life, I was more concerned about not letting people down, about doing my part, than I was ever into what it did for me.
I am a monkey fan.
The question of many college quarterbacks is can they operate in the pro game, in the pro system. Can they not only function under the early, especially with our game, but can they do it efficiently?
I've never wanted anything as much as I want to win the next Super Bowl.
You wouldn't want to see the size of the check that I would write if it would for sure get the Dallas Cowboys a Super Bowl.
You come to our stadium and look at the aura of 100,000 people. You look up there and see an Army tank coming at you. You see it on a TV screen, it's one thing. You see it at a movie theater, that's something else. When that thing's coming at you 70 feet high and 180 feet long, now that looks like a tank.
I probably should have had a little more tolerance with Jimmy Johnson. Seriously.
I've tried to get cute - and I don't mind saying tried to be cute - at the quarterback spot.
If we had picked Manziel, he'd guarantee our relevance for 10 years.