My advice on getting a raise is what everybody's advice is: to become a confident negotiator; but that is so hard. My admiration for women who are good at that is unbridled. Women in general have a harder time talking about money with their bosses.
People often assume New York City is no place to keep a dog. This is certainly what my parents told me when I was growing up there. But I have found this not to be the case at all.
You can verify that in news meetings I sometimes say, 'This is skewed too far to the left,' or 'The mix of stories seems overweeningly appealing to a reader with a certain set of sensibilities, and it shouldn't.'
I am in awe of women who have full family lives and seem to work round the clock in the 24/7 news cycle.
I don't pretend I know everything.
I think about the question of perspective in reporting all the time, and since I spent 20 years of my career in Washington as both a reporter and an editor I'm keenly aware that a newspaper should not be dominated by stories in which the only voices and perspective come from those in power.
As someone who has spent a lot of her career as an investigative reporter, I'll confess that a frustration of mine has always been that so much investigative journalism involves a dissection of events in the past.
The whole issue of how women's management styles are viewed is an incredibly interesting subject.
I've pretty much stopped using a laptop because I'm not line-editing a lot of things anymore.
I have heard Obama officials say more than once, 'You will have blood on your hands if you publish this story.'
Having small children and being an investigative reporter would seem like a difficult mix, but it worked well for me. I was often working on my own enterprise stories, which were not as deadline sensitive.
I'm a huge dog nut - giant, giant.
The idea that women journalists bring a different taste in stories or sensibility isn't true.
I've taught a college journalism course at two universities where my students taught me more than I did them about how political news is consumed.
I think that a great newspaper is one that puts a real premium on digging to get the story behind the story.
Nobody wants a unitary voice of authority any more.
I like the immediacy of blogs and the democratizing effects of letting millions of voices bloom on the Web.
Budget cuts are a sad reality in most newsrooms, and I am concerned that they reduce the collective muscle of journalists who are doing the expensive, and often dangerous, work of on-the-ground reporting.
Although I believe the Web has greatly increased the distribution of quality news, I do worry about those who don't have Internet access.
I admit that I am hopelessly hooked on the printed newspaper. I love turning the pages and the serendipity of stumbling across a piece of irresistible information or a photograph that I wasn't necessarily intending to read.
You know, a dog can snap you out of any kind of bad mood that you're in faster than you can think of.
I think the Huffington Post has been inventive and presents what it aggregates well.
I have an older sister who sounds, unfortunately, exactly like me, and we sound like our mother did.
There's a way to do networking that isn't overly brown-nosing.