I spend about half my time in mobile and half my time on enterprise.
It's shocking we don't see more engineers and entrepreneurs interested in enterprise.
We don't think much about the up and down of the public market.
Poetry is a pure meritocracy. There's no room for ambiguity: either a poem moves you and opens up new vistas in life, or it doesn't. It's completely objective, and the best always rise to the top.
If you were in Spain or Brazil, most of the population there is interacting with WhatsApp multiple times a day.
All of WhatsApp's growth has come from happy customers encouraging their friends to try the service.
I am looking for unknowns who are passionate and mission-based. But I don't try to tout the next great thing I want to get in front of, because I don't set that course. The entrepreneurs do that.
At Sequoia, upwards of a hundred entrepreneurs a week present, and if we're lucky, maybe a dozen of them are focusing on the enterprise.
WhatsApp only wanted to focus on how current users were engaging with the product. Like how they did not use advertising and kept the experience uncluttered.
Truth is a torch, but a huge one, and so it is only with blinking eyes what we all of us try to get past it, in actual terror of being burnt.