Blue Dogs have always acted in a bipartisan way. The Blue Dogs were the group in the Democratic side of the aisle that really pushed for the welfare-reform package that ultimately was signed into law in 1996.
It has been a tremendous privilege to serve the people of Utah during my time in the United States House of Representatives, but my time in the House should not be the sum total of my service.
When I launched my first campaign in 1999, I knew that the arc of my public service would have many chapters.
I'm part of a party that I think values making sure that everyone in this country has an opportunity to succeed. That's why I'm a Democrat.
The Blue Dogs are a group of conservative Democrats in the House of Representatives.
The Blue Dogs are all Democrats; they are. And I'll tell you, in terms of wearing the Democratic label, I think they're the true Democrats, because that label usually hurts them when they're running for election.