The businessman gets his name on a door. The star gets his name in lights. They both get their names on a parking space.
It's always good to be home.
If I can't afford a house, or afford to keep it, I don't want to have it.
My life hasn't been the norm. The most interesting parts are before I got into show business.
I'm very happy that I've had a partner of 38 years, and I feel very blessed. And, what can I tell you, I'm just very happy.
Making a success in show business is like getting a big promotion on a job. You get more prestige, more authority, more money - and you also get longer hours, more work, and more responsibility. It evens out.
I could go on all night about my wonderful experiences.
Even though I've got quite a bit of singing experience, I still get nervous when stretchin' my pipes.
Ray Aghayan told me to be more flamboyant, but I have to be me.
After I sang 'Back Home In Indiana' the first time, I became a Hoosier.
An inevitable question asked of a performer who has made a modest success of his career is, 'How has success changed you?' It's a loaded question because it automatically assumes that there has been a change. And, in a sense, the assumption is a correct one. Basically, however, most people remain pretty much the same.
No man has more than a handful of close friends. He may find some of them early in life, some later.
I've never considered myself an actor; I get much more immediate satisfaction singing. If you sing good, people clap. On television, you never know whether you've done well or not.
People I knew in high school have gone in many directions, as I have gone in my particular direction. They now have different and absorbing interests of their own, just as I have mine.
I started singing in college just as a fun thing to entertain.
A mother and a little boy were walking along, and I could tell the minute the recognition hit the little boy. As he walked by holding his mother's hand, he said in a real loud voice, 'Look, Mother. There goes an old Gomer Pyle.'
I visited Minnie Pearl's home down in Nashville, and I liked it so much I asked the same man to help fix up my place.
One thing I've learned is when you find a best friend in this life, you better hang on.
I'm far happier now than when it seemed I was on the cover of every magazine in the land.
Life for my family was a real struggle, as it was for most in those farming communities in Alabama.
I was smart or lucky or both. I saved my money. I was on TV for 10 years, and then I spent eight more years on the road. Working on the road is where you really can save money if you put your mind to it.
I've learned that just because you're successful in one area doesn't necessarily mean you'll be successful in another.
I'm a farmer! We have a farm that's part of the National Tropical Botanical Garden on Maui, and we raise macadamia nuts.
I guess I like to sing more than just about anything else in the world.