People assume when they come into a church and see a person up there speaking, 'That person must be a good person.' My challenge through the years has been believing that: 'I guess I must be a really good person.' I struggle with it. It just helps me to keep that confessional posture.
Compassion in evangelical churches is out of balance. When I talk about it, I get a lot of glazed expressions.
It is impossible to talk with you. You always draw conclusions. No one knows. Say only this. Your sons had to go to war, and mine did not. No one knows if it is a blessing or a curse. No one is wise enough to know. Only God knows.
I don't believe our works save us, but I believe they follow us into heaven and bring glory to God.
Once there was an old man who lived in a tiny village. Although poor, he was envied by all, for he owned a beautiful white horse. Even the king coveted his treasure. A horse like this had never been seen before - such was its splendor, its majesty, its strength.
My first encounters with faith came about the time I was a Boy Scout, at about 14 or 15. I made the logical deduction that they operate the same way; I treated my faith like earning a merit badge, and everything about Christianity was about earning merit badges.
It seems to me that election season is just a Petri dish for anger and cynicism.
I get one hour, really 25 minutes in a sermon on a weekend, to combat all the hours of the week that people are told you are what you have through billboards, commercials, and sitcoms, and so forth.
God is not troubled by one who is conservative or liberal, and He certainly never inclines His ear toward a donkey or an elephant.
If we can understand that death is not the end but is really a transition into the next life, the great part of life, that frees us up into receiving God's courage and his help.
A season of suffering is a small assignment when compared to the reward. Rather than begrudge your problem, explore it. Ponder it. And most of all, use it. Use it to the glory of God.
God's glory is the big news of the Bible, and my desire is that it would be all about me, but really it's all about God's glory.
There's something about compassion that causes society to say, 'We're going to take this person seriously.' Take Mother Teresa. She was confrontational on abortion, but she wasn't rejected by society.
A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.
Sentences are like just caught fish. Spunky today, stinky tomorrow.
I think that a church should be setting the pace for social justice.
Be a doer, not a stewer.
God will use whatever he wants to display his glory. Heavens and stars. History and nations. People and problems.
You cannot be anything you want to be. But you can be everything God wants you to be.
God meets daily needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will give you what you need when it is needed.