'Authoring tools' are terrible; there is almost no software that can create closed captions for media players. And of course there is no training. TV captioning is bad enough, and this stuff is generally worse.
Self-respect permeates every aspect of your life.
I do more than reflect and respect this country, I fight for it...the question for Canadians is 'Can we win?' Yes, we can win except when we are fighting ourselves.
We will not take this nation by storm or by stealth or by surprise. We will win it by work.
It has been my ironic lot to be seen as both a statesman and a scrapper. The statesman is the more respectable reputation. But the scrapper is what these last four years have required.
You will know that in our most recent skirmishes, I won some debating points and he won another general election.
The issue in Web accessibility is the fact that blind and visually-impaired people need the single biggest boost to achieve equivalence, since the real-world Web is a visual medium.
Mr. Speaker, as I was saying on November 27, 1979, before I was so rudely interrupted...