I've got the most beautiful district. I can understand why Republicans want it.
The Democratic voters of the 26th district know me well, and I am confident I will have their support.
Sending $300 to your grandma in Cuba doesn't change the dynamic with Castro.
I don't go to Washington to represent the president; I go to represent the people of this district.
As much as people want to call me a bomb-thrower, look at my record.
More people die on a yearly basis crossing the Florida Straits than ever died trying to cross the Berlin Wall.
I've got these high negatives because the Koch brothers have spent a year attacking me.
I think more civil society programs, more free enterprise, more contacts with their fellow brethren in Miami - that's good for the long-term, and that's an investment in America's long-term relationship with the Cuban people, not the Cuban government.
My grandfather died under house arrest.
The world's longest-serving dictator has just stepped down and handed over power. The national project of Cuba, which was Fidel's vision, is now finished. It's something - a small something, but still something.
Scandals, corruption, partisan infighting - no wonder people have lost faith in Congress. I say enough is enough.
John Kerry's record on Cuba is pretty bad.
I've been a loud voice as a Democratic leader for years, but that's not my job now. My job is to represent fishermen and farmers - everyone.
To say that I could manipulate one of the men who has shown the most courage before the Cuban government, who gets beaten every day, who did a hunger strike that freed political prisoners... I think that's absurd.
What we did was make it easier for people to subscribe to and expand Obamacare.
We did great things when we were in Congress, and I want to continue work on the issues that matter to South Florida, because we deserve better.
We deserve quality jobs that pay a living wage, lower college tuition, action on climate change, and comprehensive immigration reform.
Thousands of people perish in the Straits of Florida every year. We understand it within the context of the Cuban reality.
We live in the world's greatest democracy; we want for nothing. And that which we want, we can work toward achieving.
It shows courage, and it shows commitment to move beyond the status-quo politics of rhetoric, which is all the Cuban-American community has received from any party for the last half century.
Right here at home, we have seen what happens when a politician breaks that public trust, when they are dishonest and corrupt.
I think what we have to do is speak about the issues and speak about my record.
I will never be done with South Florida.
The people who support Mr. Curbelo's campaign are people who oppose Medicare and Social Security, want to reform it to take it away from our seniors, and oppose a minimum wage.