The essential facts are known. We know of the weapons in Saddam's possession: chemical, biological, and nuclear in time. We know of his unequaled willingness to use them. We know his history. His invasions of his neighbors. His dreams of achieving hegemonic control over the Arab world. His record of anti-American rage. His willingness to terrorize, to slaughter, to suppress his own people and others. We need not stretch to imagine nightmare scenarios in which Saddam makes common cause with the terrorists who want to kill us Americans and destroy our way of life.
'This is America,' my father used to say to me, 'and in this country, a smart young fellow like you can grow up and do just about anything.' My dad, no doubt, was thinking doctor, lawyer, teacher, scientist or businessman. I was thinking second baseman, New York Yankees.
There's clearly a Democratic dilemma, ... But while other Democrats are debating how to change the Bush tax cut, we're changing the debate entirely. Instead of just talking about what Bush has done, we are focusing on reforming the income tax system as a whole, ensuring fairness and integrity for middle-class taxpayers.
Did what he has to do in this speech and in the ones that will follow in the next weeks, which is to shore up American support, to remind the American people why we must win this battle against the terrorists.
Our responsibility is to determine whether the nominee is fit for the position ... and whether the nominee, in our judgment, will serve in the national interest, ... Dr. Condoleezza Rice meets that standard at least and much more.
Dear Mr. President: ... We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraq sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs.
Remember that we're all Americans, ... We have a higher interest than our partisan interests -- the national interests.
I have a reputation for giving unpopular answers at Democratic debates. I never used marijuana. Sorry!
I share the anger, but, ultimately, to govern this country, it takes more than anger. It takes experience. It takes positions that reflect the best values of the American people.
I have great respect for Dick Cheney. I don't agree with a lot of things he said in this campaign. He was a very distinguished Secretary of Defense, and I don't have anything negative to say about him.
I miss the days when faith was discussed in public and not the most intimate details of our personal lives.
Let us break through some of the inhibitions that have existed to talk together across the flimsy lines of separation of faith, to talk together, to study together, to pray together, and ultimately to sing together His Holy name.
I was beginning to hope someone would attack me.9
The threat of nuclear terrorism is growing faster than our ability to prevent an attack on our homeland.
I support such a review, ... But the reality is that we don't need the results of a strategic study to know that there are some pressing problems in our military that demand our attention and our assistance now.
Acts of one-sided diplomacy on the part of the Bush administration.
We definitely have a majority in the Senate for McCain-Feingold, ... Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer.
... Sometimes, we try to stifle that fact or hide it, ... But the profound, and ultimately most important, reality is that we are not only citizens of this blessed country, we are citizens of the same awesome God.
Whether or not Saddam is implicated directly in the anthrax attacks or the horrors of September 11, he is, by any common definition, a terrorist who must be removed.
[People of faith must] reassure them [atheists] that we share with them the core values of America, that our faith is not inconsistent with their freedom and our mission is not one of intolerance, but one of love.... I stand before you today as a witness to the goodness of God. For me, like you and like my running mate Al Gore, faith provided a foundation, order and purpose in my life.
I am humbled by this nomination and so grateful to Al Gore for choosing me, and I want you to know, I will work my heart out to make sure Al Gore is the next president of the United States.
If the bill remains what it is now, I will not be able to support a cloture motion before final passage. Therefore I will try to stop the passage of the bill.
The content of many cutting-edge games is becoming more and more vivid, violent, and offensive to our most basic values.
While so much of our economic life is thriving, too much of our moral life is still stagnating. As a people, we need to reaffirm our faith.