I have a love factor with the minorities.
I care about making New York better.
My life would be better without Gristedes.
All my life, I've been winning, ok?
I believe that all people that are successful should pay back their cities, their states, their towns, our country.
My father died in '97. But at least he lived until 93, so he saw my success.
The reason I grew so fast in the supermarket business, without help of the banks in those days, was through my vendors. I convinced my vendors, the companies I was doing business with, if I did more business, they would do more business.
I just want to reflect the respect I have for animals.
Americans like buying American vs. buying from Chavez or buying from the Middle East.
I respect John Kennedy for saying that he had a dream that we'd go to the moon before the end of the decade.
I think the rich should pay more in taxes - I agree with that 100 percent - but everybody should feel the pain a little bit.
I am a real New Yorker... I didn't go to Harvard, I didn't go to Yale... I rooted for the Yankees; I didn't root for the Boston Red Sox.
I could have beat Obama.
Pizza is no longer on my diet.
What transpired at Semgroup was no less than a $500 billion fraud on the people of the world.
America always recovers.
I started in the supermarket business in the early '70s. And by '75, '76, I realized you don't have a business unless you own the real estate.
There are two New Yorks - Manhattan and everything else. I'm a Manhattanite. I feel sorry for those people who aren't.
I'm tough, but I have a heart.
Everyone - whether it's the Jews, the Greeks, the Catholics - everybody is entitled to religious beliefs and entitled to their traditions.
You have to work at everything. You've got to make it work.
It seems everyone knows the value of a cantaloupe or a quart of milk.
I promoted myself as a fusion ticket. I was running as a Republican liberal.
One mentor I had taught me that people do what you inspect, not necessarily what you expect. In other words, if nobody is watching, there will be some slack off.