I feel a buzzing at the base of my neck. It's like I'm on eternal 'vibrate' in case of an emergency.
The bonds of love are what connect us to the other side.
My view of the afterlife is that it's made of different levels, depending on how spiritual a life we live.
People are people, and they want to know about their own experiences.
I went to see 'Listen to My Heart: The Songs of David Friedman.' I have been a fan of his music for years, and I was invited to opening night because I know one of the producers.
Information comes through to me in 3 basic ways seen, hearing, and feeling the energy of the person that's crossed over. In which it is a symbolic type of language.
I think that the majority of messages are validating messages to confirm the survival of conscious. And many times that validation message is negative or sad.
In my experience victims are more concerned with helping their families understand that they are still connected to them. In some rare experiences information comes through that helps understand what happened.
I don't look at this as a religious based thing. To me this is energy based.
I believe that before anybody makes the journey to the other side, we have to know on a soul level that we are leaving, whether it's an accident or illness, and we prepare ourselves to a certain degree that we won't be there in the future.
The process of receiving information for me is seeing, hearing, and feeling their energy in my frame of reference. That doesn't mean I see the individual, unfortunately.
Keep a journal, and learn how to see how you as an individuals sees information so you can learn your own sign language. Meditate and practice psychic self defense and surrounding yourself with prayer.
My uncle died in 1987. I unfortunately - I saw it happen before it happened, which was really, really hard because I was 16 years old and I thought, like, Well, I'm seeing this. I'm supposed to stop this. And I couldn't.
I used to work in a hospital, in a laboratory doing phlebotomy. I was a vampire.