The soul that rightly receives Christ is in a longing condition; never did the hart pant for the water brooks, never did the hireling desire the shadow, never did a condemned person long for a pardon more than the soul longs for Christ.
John Flavel -
The law sends us to Christ to be justified, and Christ sends us to the law to be regulated.
John Flavel
How much better it is to see men live exactly than to hear them argue with subtlety!
John Flavel -
Consult the honor of religion more, and your personal safety less. Is it for the honor of religion (think you) that Christians should be as timorous as hares to start at every sound?
John Flavel -
No friend sympathizes so tenderly with his friend in affliction as does Jesus. 'In all our afflictions, He is afflicted.' He feels all our sorrows, wants, and burdens as His own. Whence it is that the sufferings of believers are called the sufferings of Christ.
John Flavel -
You are not to come to Christ because you are qualified, but that you may be qualified with whatever you want; and the best qualification you can bring is a deep sense that you have no worth or excellency at all in you.
John Flavel -
Sometimes providences, like Hebrew letters, must be read backwards.
John Flavel -
They that know God will be humble,They that know themselves cannot be proud.
John Flavel
Man's extremity is God's opportunity.
John Flavel -
When a man begins to apprehend the first approach of grace, pardon, and mercy by Jesus Christ to his soul; when he is convinced of his utter unworthiness and desert of hell, and can never expect any thing from a just and holy God but damnation, how do the first dawnings of mercy melt and humble him!
John Flavel -
Unbelief makes a man guilty of the vilest contempt of Christ, and the whole design of redemption by Him.
John Flavel -
It is the duty of the saints, especially in times of straights, to reflect upon the performances of Providence for them in all the states and through all the stages of their lives.
John Flavel -
After regeneration the Spirit works upon a complying and willing mind - we work, and He assists. It is therefore an error that sanctified persons are not bound to strive in the way of duty without a sensible impulse of the Spirit.
John Flavel -
Alas! that Christians should stand at the door of eternity having more work upon their hands than their time is sufficient for, and yet be filling their heads and hearts with trifles.
John Flavel
See that you receive Christ with all your heart. As there is nothing in Christ that may be refused, so there is nothing in you from which He must be excluded.
John Flavel -
Faith is the bond of union, the instrument of justification, the spring of spiritual peace and joy, the means of spiritual peace and subsistence.
John Flavel -
Christ imparts to all believers all the spiritual blessings that He is filled with, and withholds none from any that have union with Him, be these blessings never so great, or they that receive them never so weak and contemptible in outward respects. .
John Flavel -
The greatest difficulty in conversion is to win the heart to God and after conversion to keep it with Him.
John Flavel -
As the blood of Christ is the fountain of all merit, so the Spirit is the fountain of all spiritual life; and until He quickens us, imparts the principle of divine life to our souls, we can put forth no vital act of faith to lay hold upon Jesus Christ.
John Flavel -
We must not think that faith itself is the soul's rest; it is only the means of it. We cannot find rest in any work or duty of our own, but we may find it in Christ, whom faith apprehends for justification and salvation.
John Flavel
Faith, considered as a habit, is no more precious than other gracious habits are; but considered as an instrument to receive Christ and His righteousness, it excels them all; and this instrumentality of faith is noted in the phrases, 'by faith,' and 'through faith.'
John Flavel -
Christ is not sweet till sin be made bitter to us.
John Flavel -
Brethren, it is easier to declaim against a thousand sins of others, than to mortify one sin in ourselves.
John Flavel -
God kills thy comforts from no other design but to kill thy corruptions; wants are ordained to kill wantonness, poverty is appointed to kill pride, reproaches are permitted to destroy ambition.
John Flavel