We need to cut the capital gains tax; we need to take regulations off the backs of business and allow banks to once again lend.
John Fleming -
We have an unprecedented number of primary care doctors who are opting out of Medicare.
John Fleming
It's very clear that Louisiana is gonna be voting for Republicans for statewide elections going forward because that's just where we are as a state.
John Fleming -
The people who come across the border are hard-working family people. They have great values, and that's all well and good but they are also very, very consistent Democrat voters.
John Fleming -
For nearly a century, Republican-controlled Houses held the line on tax rates, a Republican coup de pointe to Democratic tax-increase parries.
John Fleming -
I was elected to represent my district, not to predict the future.
John Fleming -
By the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over.
John Fleming -
We owe our law enforcement officers the highest respect.
John Fleming
One way or another, I want to be a positive force for the people of Louisiana and the United States of America in whatever way I can serve.
John Fleming -
They want to wipe - in fact, the Democrat Party in their own platform last year wiped even - any reference to God completely from their platform.
John Fleming -
Public servants should always be accountable and responsible for what they are advocating, and I challenge the American people to demand this from their representatives.
John Fleming -
In terms of Republicans, we have got to get to our cohorts in the Republican Party to get them to understand if we are going to get this country to its traditional values... we're going to have to control our borders and manage this huge change in our culture that's occurring.
John Fleming -
By definition, chaplains minister to the spiritual needs of our men and women in armed services, a vital function that an individual without any inclination toward spirituality would not be able to perform.
John Fleming -
In my view, Obamacare is the most existential threat to our economy than anything we've ever had since the Great Depression, so I think a little bit of additional deficit is nothing compared to delaying if not repealing Obamacare.
John Fleming
I'm pro-free enterprise.
John Fleming -
I saw people, and I can't name them of course, that maybe were skeptical at first that were really sold on Donald Trump.
John Fleming -
Here's the question for my fellow Republicans: Do we want to be the first-ever GOP House majority to raise federal marginal income tax rates?
John Fleming -
We've got to change the way we do things.
John Fleming -
We know that the crime committed by people with guns by criminals, they get the guns by flouting the law to begin with. They don't go to gun shows.
John Fleming -
We've got our own power - the power of the purse.
John Fleming
Most small businesses in this country today are taxed at the individual level as Corporation LLC. So whatever is cut out of those earnings is money taken out of capital for reinvestment for creating more jobs and opening up more locations.
John Fleming -
I want to see the farm piece passed, but the nearly a trillion dollars in SNAP spending for food stamps is way too much.
John Fleming -
We need to restore the Bush tax cuts or actually make them permanent.
John Fleming -
It is foolish for Republicans to continue opening the door to job-killing tax hikes while Democrats refuse to explain how they propose to reform mandatory spending - mostly entitlements - that makes up almost two-thirds of the federal budget.
John Fleming