Could I begin life again, knowing what I now know, and had money to invest, I would buy every foot of land on the Island of Manhattan.
The only hard step in building up my fortune was the first thousand dollars. After that it was easy.
If you wish a thing done, get some one to do it for you; but if you wish it done well, do it yourself.
To be honest, to be industrious, and not to gamble.
The first hundred thousand - that was hard to get, but afterwards, it was easy to make more.
An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory.
Wealth is a result of habit.
She was the best business partner any man ever had.
To give something for nothing is to weaken the giver.
German Flutes of a superior Quality to be sold at this Printing Office.
From a fort you get a trading post, and from a trading post you will get a city.
Nobody would know I was a German - ain't it?
I must recommend you to be particularly careful on the coast, and not to rely too much on the friendly disposition of the natives. All accidents which have yet happened there, arose from too much confidence in the Indians.
The gateway to China will be from the northwest. My plans were correct. Time will vindicate my reasoning.
Good habits in America make any man rich.
I’ll build sometime or other a greater house than any of these, and in this very street.
If you find the Indians kind, as I hope you will, be so to them. If otherwise, act with caution and forbearance, and convince them that you come as friends.
The first hundred thousand dollars – that was hard to get; but afterward it was easy to make more.
A man who makes a million dollars is just as well off as if he were rich.