I can retire from football with a smile on my face.
I can't cruise no more. You cruise, you lose.
I sure can't do television. The screen is only 24 inches. How are they ever gonna get someone like me in that little box?
The most important aspect of my signing with the WFL was not to demean or undermine the National Football League, but rather to make professional football a form of employment where management recognizes its workers as individuals capable of communicating on an intelligent level.
I like making movies and would like to make it my career when I'm finished playing football.
Al Davis was the first to know about my decision to retire, and Mom was second.
I think I should be objective, call 'em as I see 'em. Stay the Tooz.
The main thing is to be a force, so guys will say, 'Tooz is kicking butts.'
The tension in pro ball comes from the realization that any game could be your last, that an injury could end your career. And in TV, you never know if or when your series will be canceled.
The only way to play football is with reckless abandon, or they'll knock your beard off. And with acting, you have to pull all the stops to make it work.
I don't like stepping on other people's toes, but with my size 15 shoes, people step on mine sometimes.
Women get possessive and cranky if they try to cruise with the Tooz.
I've grown up a lot, and I have such great memories of playing football.
It was tough to quit football. But after I was injured, I didn't want people paying money to see only half a John Matuszak.
I never even was in any of my high school plays. I mean, look at me. What role could they give me - the tooth fairy?
George Allen was afraid of my image. He wasn't afraid of me.
I think about the game plan, and then I go through all the little things that are almost impossible to do. If you go through those things in your mind, you can do them.
It's a nice release when you make a perfect tackle, a good hit.
Defensive lineman in the 3-4 isn't a glory position. He is supposed to tie up as many linemen as possible in order to free the linebackers.
It's very tough to run my side of the line. Eight out of 10 plays, they don't get anything.