I knew from being pregnant that you can be very strong. You're still very capable. Especially if it was stuff you were able to do before.
A lot of Wynonna is what I wish I could be. I don't like confrontation. I'm pretty polite. But I think she's the side of me that, if I could be free, that's who I'd be.
No such thing as food that's terrible for you, unless you binge on it.
I can't imagine not playing Wynonna, because I get to play so many different things. In any given episode, I get drama and comedy and horror and all the notes of life, and very few shows or movies give you that opportunity.
I make unbelievable pizza.
I think it's refreshing when the people you're looking up to mess up just like you do, but somehow, things, in their own way, work out.
People are so used to men playing these amazing roles that they sometimes can't even see that there is no reason it has to be a man other than it was written that way - this is true for diversity in general.
There are certain things that I might not watch, and, in fact, some things that I've done I don't watch because it's not my cup of tea, I guess.
You don't have to be in our industry to have a panic attack about your career when you're pregnant. Even if you're a lawyer, you can think, 'I'm scared to take time off because I don't want to get passed by.'
I don't know if you've ever tried to run through waist-deep snow, but it's next to impossible.
My dad taught me to read by reading comic strips in the Saturday paper and Archie comics.
I have unreasonably strong leg muscles.