When you start off broke - and we weren't broke, we were negative broke - you never forget that. You stay appreciative.
If you don't take care of the people doing the heavy lifting, they will burn your castle down.
I buried my dad on a Thursday and showed up for work on Friday.
As long as our quality and company continue to get better, by nature, we will get bigger.
I don't think you can control people. I don't think you manage people. I think you give people a direction, you give them the resources, you lead by example. They get it right, you say, 'Atta girl.' And they get it wrong, you say, 'Not good.'
Getting big is just a byproduct of getting better.
The original goal for Papa John's was to make $50 grand a year and have $50 grand in the bank so I could get a date.
The board gets upset because I won't take a raise, but I've got plenty of money.
I pay myself three, three and half million - which is plenty of money, c'mon.
You've got to have free markets with limited government, with the proper amount of regulation where you don't jam entrepreneurship.
I have a goal of being the No.1 pizza company in the world.
NFL leadership has hurt Papa John's shareholders.
Companies like Papa John's are largely a collection of small independent businesses.
I love my business. I love my employees.
Pizza's really nutritious; it's good for you. You can't sit down and eat a whole carton of eggs, and you can't sit down and eat a whole pizza.
We don't promote or advocate people eating a whole pizza.
I just don't like making mistakes.
I think if there was a sharing in the ups, a sharing in the downs, the country would not be as divided.
Sales went crazy when we made the pizza perfect.
I was born and raised in the state of Indiana, and it's where I started Papa John's, so this state and our partnership with the Pacers hold a special place in my heart.
Many in the media reported that I said Papa John's is going to close stores and cut jobs because of Obamacare. I never said that.
I found something I loved to do when I was 15 - making pizzas.
I will not allow either my good name or the good name of the company I founded and love to be unfairly tainted.