There is some good evidence man contributes to global warming. But I say, so what? We can deal with that. It's not a catastrophe. And cold is far worse for hurting people than warmth.
Happiness comes when we test our skills towards some meaningful purpose.
Competition leads both drug companies and private regulators to be trustworthy. If they are not trustworthy, they die.
I saw how the regulation I called for made things worse, didn't help consumers and simple competition was better. And I started praising business and occasionally criticizing regulation.
No transaction happens unless it is voluntary. It only happens if both of you think you win.
People like getting what they think is free stuff from government.
There is all of this protesting against corporate power, but in reality, corporations have to persuade you - they could have a ton of money, but actually only government can use force.
I'm a little embarrassed about how long it took me to see the folly of most government intervention. It was probably 15 years before I really woke up to the fact that almost everything government attempts to do, it makes worse.
When entrepreneurs are free to compete, they grow the pie so that everyone's share gets larger.
All our rights are gradually eroded as government gets bigger.
I had to watch government fail for 25 years doing consumer reporting before I really saw it because intuitively, the reaction is problem, bring government and government will make it better.
I started out by viewing the marketplace as a cruel place, where you need intervention by government and lawyers to protect people. But after watching the regulators work, I have come to believe that markets are magical and the best protectors of the consumer. It is my job to explain the beauties of the free market.
Isn't allowing people a choice what America is all about?
The people who run the international tests told us, 'the biggest predictor of student success is choice.' Nations that 'attach the money to the kids' and thereby allow parents to choose between different public and private schools have higher test scores. This should be no surprise; competition makes us better.
I'm an American. I'm for prosperity. I've discovered, from 40 years of reporting, that what creates prosperity is limited government.
Central authority is bad. The bias should be for freedom. And without a central authority, there are lots of little authorities, and we learn which ones to trust.
I was bullied as a kid, and I got a job on television. And I had a camera. And so I wanted to go after those business bullies. And I just have been following that instinct.
I like taking the subway to work.
As a free person, I ought to be allowed if I'm dying to take something.
Companies don't get rich hurting their customers.
When we were scared about 9/11, we federalized the airport security, we spent millions for body armor for dogs in Ohio. All that over-reaction comes from fear and government - bad combination.
Why, in our 'free' country, do Americans meekly stand aside and let the state limit our choices, even when we are dying?
I was ashamed for people to see me struggle.
You can either invade a country or leave them alone and trade with them. When goods cross borders, armies don't.