Do you have the same vision of where industry is going as the target of your acquisition? If visions differ, you might get together economically for a while, but then you are going to have problems.
We want a culture where it is unacceptable not to share what you know.
When a market isn't in transition, gaining market share is hard - you're fighting to take one or two points of share from competitors.
I think Mr Trump is going to be a good president.
The number one objective is that people who make the investment in digitization, whether they are governments or service providers, get a reasonable return.
Today's world requires a different leadership style - more collaboration and teamwork, including using Web 2.0 technologies. If you had told me I'd be video blogging and blogging, I would have said, 'No way.' And yet our 20-somethings in the company really pushed me to use that more.
I think technology can change every country regardless of political party.
I would say my strengths are vision and strategy.
You've got to really enable the next generation of start-ups.
I hope that the new leader, whoever they are - and I hope that it will be Hillary - will bring our country back to participation by all groups and will talk about how technology will enable not just 10% of our population, but all of our population.
The No. 1 country in the world to do business in is which one? To locate where you want to create jobs, where you want to have a great market? It's Canada. Even in Russia, you can build a Silicon Valley outside of Moscow.
I think, as time passes, people will come to see that the United States' credit standing is really not quite the same level as the ones that we rate AAA.
Widening the talent pipeline sufficiently will require a generational commitment to teaching math and science, providing technical training, and mentoring young people of all backgrounds so they understand the full range of possibilities that a career in technology affords.
In 2008, we began an initiative to outsource projects from our Israeli office to three companies in the Palestinian Territories.
This will be the first time in my lifetime I'm voting for a Democrat. I'm going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I've already voted.
In France, President Francois Hollande is leveraging the next wave of the Internet to jumpstart economic reforms and create jobs for hundreds of thousands of citizens. A historically socialist government, France has had the courage to quickly implement unique partnerships with the business community to drive entrepreneurial spirit and thinking.
As a leader, you don't get too high on the highs or let the bumps balance down. Every leader over time has probably equal amount of good luck or bad luck - or, you could argue, has good opportunities or challenges.
I think it was a major mistake to revisit Title II.
It's easy for me to see how a business proposition is going to play out, or who our next-generation competitors are, from taking this data point from this customer and another data point from another customer... and jump to Z.
I think India should be our top ally in Asia Pacific. And the two countries have so much in common, including being the largest and most powerful democracies.
The political gridlock in Washington leads us to conclude that policymakers don't have the ability to put the public finances of the U.S. on a sustainable footing.
The 'No.1 IT company' isn't by volume, it's in relation to business customers because those are my customers, not the consumer. Who do they view as their most important partner? That's my definition of the 'No.1 IT company.'
To go back to a 1950s voice mentality with Title II and net neutrality would be a tremendous mistake for our country.
What NDS did is allow us to move into video capability with large service providers or cable providers - and the ability to do this out of the cloud. And that allows you to do it faster.