on the high seas the English are increasing their insolence and barbarity. They cut to pieces the captain of a ship coming from Spain and threw all the crew into the sea for having defended themselves valiantly.
We are exhausted in Antwerp and have endured so much that this war seems without purpose.. ..and that it seemed strange that Spain, which provides so little for the needs of this country .. ..has an abundance of means to wage an offensive war elsewhere.
I am by nature and inclination a peaceful man, the sworn enemy to disputes, lawsuits and quarrels both public and private.
were I not detained here by age and by the gout which renders me useless, I should go there to enjoy with my own eyes and admire the perfection of such worthy works.. ..I pray look upon all the marvels of your hand.. ..before I close my eyes forever.
I have neither time to live nor to write. I am therefore cheating my art by stealing a few evening hours to write this most inadequate and negligent reply to the courteous and elegant letters of yours.
those paintings that are done entirely by my hand.. ..those,done by the hand of a master skillfull in that department.. ..but this one not being finished, would be entirely retouched by my own hand, and by this means would pass as original; done by one of my pupils, but the whole retouched by my hand.