Although I come from the world of swimming... my strong point is the running race, and it is the one I enjoy the most. It's where I have had a slight edge over my rivals.
When I have an easy run, I like to listen to music and relax. When I have to train hard, I try to simulate race conditions, and in a race, you can't listen to music.
I have to have routine check-ups every three to six months. While the cardiologists think I can compete, there is no problem. I didn't consider quitting. Once the cardiologists said I could run, I decided to fight.
Usually I'll have fruit with breakfast, but not on the day of the race, as sometimes it's difficult to digest. When racing Olympic distance, I'll have my last meal three hours before the race, and during the race I'll have a gel. I think it's enough.
My aortic valve was a bit different than normal, and some doctors thought I shouldn't do triathlons.
It's weird because before a race, I always want something sweet, like a cake, but afterwards, I crave something salty, like pizza.
It's an error to count on winning a medal in the triathlon. With one race every four years, anything can happen, especially in a sport as tactical as this where it isn't always the strongest who wins.
I enjoy an easy jog. In the mountains, or the forest with my own thoughts, I can escape from the world for a bit.