I've always been Mac, so I guess I always will be. I can't imagine I will change now.
I endeavour to read more, be more informed on gay rights. Whatever floats your boat is my outlook. It's hard enough to be happy without having legislation against you, too.
We constantly abuse and defend a woman's prerogative to change her mind.
There is no such thing as women's intuition. You all just have crap poker faces.
Opening doors for us, helping us with our jackets and chairs - we love all that.
Yes I am definitely an 'Orange is the New Black' fan... Not an obsessive, but a fan none the less.
I'm not big on technology; I only get what I need.
I do have a fantasy piece of technology that would do my food shopping for me, and if you wanted to, you could probably employ a butler or a maid. But I'd like to have a fridge that restocks itself. I don't know what you'd call that - an automatic restocking pantry?