I support gay marriage. I support gay marriage because I believe Conservatives support the institutions of commitment.
The positive news is that the British economy is continuing to grow and is creating jobs. And it is positive news too that at a time of real international instability we are a safe haven in the storm.
Well can I just say unlike my predecessors, Conservative and Labour, I have set up an independent body that studies whether what I'm saying is true, whether I've met the targets that I set out.
Leaving the E.U. was not the outcome that I wanted or campaigned, but now that democracy has spoken, we must act on that result. I will fully respect that result.
There are always ways to make government better, always ways to make sure that the taxes of people are better spent.
We need strength and success elsewhere in our country - not by pulling London down but by building the rest of the country up.
Sound public finances are not the enemy of sustained growth - they are its precondition.
Margaret Thatcher's government redistributed money from rich to poor. And that's the nature of a modern western democracy.
I serve at the discretion of the prime minister.
I fought passionately to remain in the E.U., and I warned of the economic risks if we left the E.U.
Tony Blair was a good politician but not a good Prime Minister, and that's what we don't want to be. We don't want to be just people who are good at winning elections: we want to be good at governing. I think we benefit from having seen the mistakes that we think Tony Blair made in 1997.
If we don't get a grip on government spending, there will be no growth.
Frankly, people buying a home to let should not be squeezing out families who can't afford a home to buy.
Tax cuts should be for life, not just for Christmas.
Cutting budget deficits can never be just an exercise in economics.
One of London's massive strengths is its sporting prowess, its great football teams.
The Conservative party is at its strongest when it's not the party that says there is no role for government and the state should just get out of the way. That is not a strand of Conservative thinking that, by itself, is enough.
Britain helped create the Internet - Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web, one of a long line of British scientists who have given us an outsized role in shaping our own digital future.
It's not enough to tackle just the symptoms of poverty. You have to tackle the causes of poverty.
The Conservative party absolutely must not allow itself to be shut out of parts of the north of England.
Britain can only spend what it can afford.
Rather than standing back and being left behind, we must make the most of the opportunities that a growing China presents to us here in Britain.
Autism is a very serious condition.
I believe in public services.