The logical conclusion of relativism is absurdity. Non-sense. A worldview that undermines its own premises.
Let me tell you something you already know: reading is critically important - especially for Christian believers. God, after all, reveals Himself to us in the written words of Scripture. Think about it: when we read the Word, we place ourselves in the very presence of God.
People everywhere see the True, the Beautiful, and the Good and long to know their source. And, thank God, He has revealed Himself!
I think the fact that I use salty words in my Bonhoeffer book would tip you off that I'm no prude, exactly.
It's one thing to be innocent and another thing to be naive or willfully ignorant.
I have no doubt, if people are really seeking the big questions, it will lead them to the Lord.
It's a fact that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the country's chance to have a Supreme Court that values the Constitution - and the genuine liberty and self-government for which millions have died - is gone. Not for four years, or eight, but forever.
The odds against life in the universe are simply astonishing. Yet here we are, not only existing, but talking about existing. What can account for it? Can every one of those many parameters have been perfect by accident? At what point is it fair to admit that science suggests that we cannot be the result of random forces?
The familiar can feel good - especially with so much uncertainty when we turn on the news. But it doesn't uplift us, challenge us, or inspire anew as truly original work can.
Restricting the religious impulses of Americans is precisely like killing free enterprise with too many regulations.
Trump errs on the side of bluster sometimes for effect, but I don't think that the people who voted for him, most of them, would ever be for not caring for immigrants or refugees. People in the church know it's our obligation.
America is fundamentally exceptional. No one in the history of the world had ever done anything to compare with what the Founders did, creating a fragile mechanism by which men and women could actually govern themselves.
The Bible is filled with stories about angels, but many of us have had our view of angels confused by popular misconceptions about them, the principal of which is that angels do not actually exist anymore than fairies do, or wood nymphs or water sprites. But they do exist, and the Bible attests to their existence innumerable times.
We all have different strengths, different gifts.
For proof that our culture has gone to the dogs, look no further than the bizarrely parental ways many Americans talk about our furry friends.
God gave men and women work to do in the Garden before the Fall.
For at least a decade, Millennials have been stereotyped as lazy, entitled, and stuck on social media. While that may not be entirely fair, they are notoriously liberal, overwhelmingly supporting left-leaning candidates and favoring policies like nationalized healthcare and same-sex 'marriage.'
I thought a book on miracles might be a great idea, but just because it's a great idea doesn't mean I'm supposed to do it. But my editor persisted, and eventually I thought, 'He's right. I should write this book.'
I think most people have no idea about what religious freedom means.
Everyone needs to stop and breathe and look at how redefining marriage will have a hugely chilling effect on religious liberty in America.
Six-hundred-page biographies of German theologians aren't known to fly off the shelves.
There was a time when 'science' meant the systematic pursuit of knowledge through experimentation and observation. But it's rapidly becoming a synonym for progressive politics and materialist philosophy.
America is the only nation in the world based on an idea - freedom and self-government - so if we don't understand that idea and what sacrifices were made to win that freedom and keep it for over two centuries, how can we possibly continue to keep it?
When you have a biblical idea of men's strength, you know that God only gives us anything good to be used for his purposes and mainly to serve others.