Most of my best friends ended up being women, most notably my wife, and I learn a lot by simply listening.
Wonder Woman is most definitely a feminist, or a humanist, in no uncertain terms. Her prime goal in life is to teach peaceful coexistence and equality.
Quite honestly, one of the unavoidable considerations in going exclusive with any company is being put on a company's medical insurance program.
Because several 'Titans' characters have been used in video games, I've got royalty checks for six figures. And I had no knowledge of this until I opened the mailbox, because I don't follow the video game world!
No one will be hurt if I don't come to conventions.
I always rate a convention by the lack of blisters from twiddling my thumbs.
I'm often forced to draw a lot of tiny panels due to the limited number of pages and the complexity of the story.
One thing I'm particularly proud of is that a convention will usually ask me back for the next year, after I've only been at the show for a day or two, because of my rapport with the fans.