It is the will to be grateful which constitutes gratitude.
Joseph Cook -
The sense of duty pursues us ever.
Joseph Cook
We shall never be at peace with ourselves until we yield with glad supremacy to our higher faculties.
Joseph Cook -
Conscience is our magnetic compass; reason our chart.
Joseph Cook -
We only begin to realize the value of our possessions when we commence to do good to others with them. No earthly investment pays so large an interest as charity.
Joseph Cook -
It is not always the highest talent that thrives best. Mediocrity, with tact, will outweigh talent oftentimes.
Joseph Cook -
Our secret thoughts are rarely heard except in secret. No man knows what conscience is until he understands what solitude can teach him concerning it.
Joseph Cook -
Only the home can found a state.
Joseph Cook
We must judge religious movements, not by the men who make them, but by the men they make.
Joseph Cook -
A monarchy is like a man-of-war - bad shots between wind and water hurt it exceedingly; there is danger of capsizing. But democracy is a raft. You cannot easily overturn it. It is a wet place, but it is a pretty safe one.
Joseph Cook