The impacts of climate change are not going to get better; they are going to get worse.
National governments alone cannot deliver lasting prosperity without a transformation of social and economic development that seeks to minimise risk and seize the opportunity we have.
Cities are where the climate battle will be won or lost.
There is only one possible future for humanity, and that is a sustainable one.
Transnational organized crime does not recognize any borders.
The ability of communities to meet their most basic needs - food, water, energy, sanitation - is threatened by climate change.
As each country looks to meet their emissions reduction, energy efficiency, or renewable energy goals, they will look to cities as places where transformational change can make the most difference.
The risk to cities from climate impacts carries great social and economic cost and, of course, the loss of human lives.
All action to address climate change is an inseparable and integrated part of the whole plan, and the leadership and commitment of all governments remains central to success.
We need to really get very serious about a transition toward new and renewable sources of energy.