White for light. White for love. White for forever.
She can't let him go not telling him what she was about to do. Kingsley...I can't do this. I'm coming with you.
Maybe she'd been drinking too much of the super-sweet Mexican Coca-Cola they had down here. Or maybe she was just tired, alone, and far from home. Because somewhere in the brittle, concrete center of Azrael's dark heart, something was melting.
You've got to stop thinking everyone's problems can be solved by falling in love.
School was more than academics; an education prepared you for the humdrum of real life: working with others, tempering one's personality to assimilate with the group but without losing your individual identity, understading the factors of logic, reasoning, and debate. For a person - vampire or human - to succeed in the world, unlocking the mysteries of the universe was insufficient. One would also need to grasp the mysteries of human nature.
Instead of fearing the future, I should live and enjoy the present, she told herself.
Jack leaped over the gate, his sword aflame. To vanquish his foe and rescue his love.
They did it for love, and sometimes love makes us do the irrational .. even the inexcusable.
Now that she decided she knew exactly what she wanted –him- she couldn’t wait to break the news. And if he didn’t want her, she could live with that – what she wouldn’t be able to live with was if she never told him.
Schuyler pulled Oliver close and hugged him tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go.
Dude you scare me sometimes! You're all vampire superwoman.
Never trust a shiny surface. They hide a multitude of flaws.
Had pretended to be Abbadon of the Dark, when always he had been working for the Light.
It's said a friend is a person who walks in when everyone else walks out.
Thank you for loving me enough to let me go.
The rose fell into his lap, and he looked up, startled. Mimi grinned. "Hey handsom" Mimi sent. "What's up?" Jack replied, without speaking. "Just thinking of you." Jack's smile deepened, and he threw the rose back at her so that it landed in her lap. Mimi tucked it behind her ear and fluttered her eyelashes appreciatively.
She nodded... and was about to turn away. Then, as if she thought better of it, she reached out and grabbed his arm. "Jack." "Yes?" "I. . ." she faltered. She knew what she wanted to tell him, but she couldn't bring herself to say the words. It turned out she didn't have to. Jack put a hand to his heart and nodded. "I feel the same way about you.
Stop your doubting, my love. I knew you would find me. ~Jack
I don't need anything to get high. I'm high on life.
And Kingsley being Kingsley, he smiled as he pretended to pull the trigger.
One minute you could be getting a smoke in the alley on the Lower East Side with your friends, having drinks and dancing on tables in a popular nightclub. And the next minute, you could be dead.
That morning, she had found an envelope stuffed into her locker. It was from the Mercer Hotel, and held a plastic door key for their suite. "See you there tonight," Oliver had written. "Chomp! Chomp!
Schuyler put a gentle hand on Abbadon's feathered extensions, feeling the majestic power underneath their silky weight. She had been frightened once, to see him in this light, but now that she saw his terrifying face, she found it beautiful.
Remember all fairy tales end at some point.