Tilda Swinton Quotes
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I get offers all the time from film makers, but they are unknown quantities. I don't go there and do experiments.
Stage and film are just two wildly different animals. Why compare the two?
But the process of making a film is not glamorous. Certainly not my films.
We have a structural problem because you can simultaneously understand the medium to long-term risks of climate change and also come to the conclusion that it is in your short-term economic interest to invest in oil and gas. Which is why, you know, anybody who tells you that the market is going to fix this on its own is lying to you.
Charlie Sheen gave me a signed headshot. I think it said, 'Keep it real.' But 'real' was spelled 'reel,' like a film reel.
I wanted to make a film - and I've been wanting to do this for 16 years - about life in care, and bring it to the public's attention, because I had never seen anything, on TV or in the cinema, which said: 'This is how it feels to be a kid in care'.
When it's time to film and to actually take on the role of Precious, I felt an immense responsibility to do it justice.
Painting was a problem - you produce a thing, and then you sell it and get money, and that was quickly considered totally uncool.
If I couldn't see the colors, now that would be a problem.
I knew it was called 'Dunkirk,' Christopher Nolan was directing it, and it was a war film. That was all anyone knew.
The film industry is mostly about unidimensional characters.
The film depends on the audience's belief in this relationship.
If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
I am the biggest geek and fan of film and TV, and I just go through phases.
See, I will always shop, and that's sort of a problem. Clothes are always exploding out of my closet!
All my brother Eliot and I did as kids was film sketches.
Investigation may be likened to the long months of pregnancy, and solving a problem to the day of birth. To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it.
Ray Bradbury's connections to fantasy, space, cinema, to the macabre and the melancholy, were all born of his years spent running, jumping, galloping through the woods, across the fields, and down the brick-paved streets of Waukegan.
Nobody is qualified to become a statesman who is entirely ignorant of the problem of wheat.
Indeed we do have an entitlement problem: some feel so entitled to power & wealth that they're willing to undermine our economy and our democracy.
God help me if I ever do another movie with an explosion in it. If you see me in a movie where stuff is exploding you'll know I've lost all my money.
If your legs are strong it definitely gives you an advantage coming down hill. As far as specific workouts go, I get a kick out of sled pulls and driving the sled. I put a couple of 45 pound weights on it and just go until I can't feel my VMO muscles (Vastus Medialis Oblique.) That's the muscle right next to your knee, on the inside.
Livability has always struck me as a consolation prize.
I have no problems with the NC-17 rating. I want more NC-17 films. More adult cinema!