The limited liability corporation is the greatest single invention of modern times.
Persecution on racial and religious grounds has absolutely no place in a nation given over to liberty.
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less.
The world is divided into three kinds of people: A very small group that makes things happen; a somewhat larger group that watches things happen; and a great multitude that never knows what has happened.
Those people who think only of themselves, are hopelessly uneducated. They are not educated, no matter how instructed they may be.
Cherish yesterday. Dream tomorrow, live like crazy today!!
There are many things that go to make up an education, but there are just two things without which no man can ever hope to have an education and these two things are character and good manners.
Time was invented by the Almighty God in order to give ideas a chance.
Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.
The youth of today and the youth of tomorrow will be accorded an almost unequaled opportunity for great accomplishment and for human service.
Businesses planned for service are apt to succeed businesses planned for profit are apt to fail.