My mother taught me when you go someplace, you leave it better than you found it.
I'll never lose the sense of being an underdog.
Do I have to see movies and television about the English throne or the Holocaust every year? There are multiple multi-million dollar movies with the same backdrop. But our Holocaust - meaning Latino - aren't ever told.
I always pull over for people who need a push.
Anytime you do something Latino, yeah, I love the color, the spice.
I love shocking people.
It's people politics, people dynamics that make a show really good, whether it's 'Desperate Housewives' or 'Lost' or 'The Sopranos.' It's the people we've grown to love or otherwise.
We understand 'Roots,' and that experience was mind-boggling, and it changed the way society viewed race relations. It was incredibly important. With 'Roots,' I was just as proud as anybody else that people of color were getting their stories told.
You know, I'm not making top dollar, but when you're making top dollar, there are a lot of people waiting for you to fall.
All I would say to people who doubt 'Caprica' is: Everything good starts slow.
I love bringing roses to a woman when she least expects it.
We as Americans of Latin descent are just as American as anyone else of any other descent.
I think the legacy left behind by 'Battlestar' speaks for itself. I thought that these avid fans, most of whom were skeptical at first... to turn them into a fan of 'Caprica' as well is a daunting task, a big challenge.
I just arrive, they hand me a script and say, do it.