As time passes, I feel more and more a sense of acting being a fundamental part of who I am.
There are no secrets in life; just hidden truths that lie beneath the surface.
I don't think closeted homosexual morticians have the market cornered on self-loathing or sense of shame.
Marriage, children-you never expect it to end in tragedy. Unless you're me.
So it's really nice after about a year and a half to get back on stage and flex those old muscles.
I never really considered acting as a career until I moved to New York.
People feel like they know me from the work I have done, but it's not me.
I like to think I am well-mannered. If I have the option at a breakfast place, I'll go with the grits. That's how Southern I am.
It's interesting to play a role where you don't really have to preoccupy yourself with any need to convince yourself that you're not acting.
Honestly, I think some of my family members of a certain generation were more skittish about me playing a gay character on Six Feet Under than watching me play a killer.
Dexter's a unique killer in that his father saw his dark impulses, shined a light on them, and told Dexter that he saw them, he accepted them, that Dexter is good and that he is worthy of love. And I think that's what enables him to focus his energies in this unique way.
For me, it was more a dramatic shift to go from the stage to the screen.