I support legal immigration. I don't support amnesty because it is not fair to people standing in line at consulates around the world.
Primaries are a family fight. I'm a pro-free enterprise, pro-Second Amendment, pro-life Republican.
Unlike many graduate fellowships, the Rhodes seeks leaders who will 'fight the world's fight.' They must be more than mere bookworms. We are looking for students who wonder, students who are reading widely, students of passion who are driven to make a difference in the lives of those around them and in the broader world.
We need a balanced, long term energy policy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and preserve the beauty of the land we love.
The poll that matters is the one that happens on Election Day.
Border security is a safety issue.
I've got a bit of an independent streak. I'm not afraid of bipartisan compromise on issues that are important to the nation.
The H-1B visa program which helps sustain our rapidly growing economy and also helps meet the health care needs of families living in rural New Mexico.
After Vietnam, the Democrats became fundamentally the anti-military as a party.
If New Mexican voters believe the path to create American jobs is keeping taxes low, then they have an option. That's my campaign.
I am considering running for Senate, as well as other opportunities.
I became a Republican because I trust people more than I trust government.
New Mexico has been, in the past, a swing state.
When you increase the cost of energy, jobs go elsewhere.