In a lot of ways, in high school, I was very much an outsider and never really felt like I fit into any particular clique or group, and so I found myself solo very often.
I was at a premiere, and these girls blurted out, 'We love your hair!' That made me laugh.
I maybe convinced my parents to let me cut school once, but definitely, in college, I cut school a lot.
I was such a dork in high school. I like - I played sports. I played in the symphony. I auditioned all the time. I was thrown off the sports teams for auditioning all the time.
I remember meeting Roger Moore at my grandfather's house as a young boy and being impressed because I was such a big fan of '007.' But I was young, and I didn't have a perception of what celebrity was or who my grandfather was... I still don't, really.
Before, I had an idea of what I thought I needed to be, and I'm realizing more and more that being yourself is the best thing.
Some people assume I'm a spoilt trust fund kid who's never had to work for anything, while others think the best of me because of the good experience they had with my grandfather. It's difficult to digest the fact that they may never see me for who I am.
I love dressing up - it makes me feel good. I think most people get that feeling when they put on a well-tailored suit. It like, boosts your IQ, your confidence, everything. And I think that that needs to come back into the norm more.
My dad once showed me 'The Guns of Navarone' when I was a kid. I haven't rewatched it since, but it gave me such a warm feeling.
I can't say I have had a ton of Hollywood exposure, as strange as that sounds. But by pure happenstance, I trailed Javier Bardem on a red carpet at a film festival in Palm Springs years ago. He's one of my idols, and I endeavor to walk an artistic path similar to his own.
I went to NYU, and so I started to wake up to the fashion world when I got to New York. I mean, my fashion sensibilities were horrible; I experimented with some bad colors.
When there's so much freedom - financially and otherwise - smart kids get themselves into trouble. My parents did a good job of sheltering me from the negative aspects of wealth and success.
I have 'The Economist' and the 'New Scientist' on my bedside table - and 'GQ,' of course.
I look back at the 1990s with its light-wash jeans, and I'm like, 'What...?'
My mom's a painter, and she used to wear black all the time, and so do I. So I would say a black T-shirt with a pocket is my go-to.
I feel very lucky. The older I get, the more I see how random everything is, the luckier I feel to have been born into this context; the more responsible I feel to be the best that I can be as a person and as a professional. That was a quality... of the men on my father's side of the family.
I never truly got to know my grandfather before he passed away, but he inspires me to search more deeply to understand myself.