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New technologies, innovative management, higher productivity, displacements in the labour market, increased migration - these are all provoking major economic, social, and political shifts. These shifts need to be better understood if we are to address them in a positive and effective manner.
In most negotiations, you can't attribute success or failure in negotiations to one side.
Each blockage is a blockage. Each impasse is an impasse. You have to find a solution; there is no recipe that fits each one of them.
Trade liberalization can be contagious, and the opening of markets regionally can spark progress multilaterally as well.
We have to learn how to work within the limits that are possible, not what is desirable.
One thinks that one is winning when we slap tariffs or introduce barriers to imports from another country, and we think we win. But you lose when you export because the other countries are going to raise tariffs as well. They're going to introduce barriers as well. So you win with one hand and you lose with the other.
I believe that trade is essential for economic growth and development around the world, but I also believe that trade is imperfect.
Trade is not the cause for unemployment. In fact, the biggest drivers for unemployment are innovation and increased productivity. It has nothing to do with trade.