Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.
The reproach of a friend should be strictly just, but not too frequent.
Love and esteem are the first principles of friendship; it is always imperfect if either of these two are wanting.
It is extremely natural for us to desire to see such our thoughts put into the dress of words, without which indeed we can scarce have a clear and distinct idea of them our selves.
When you have gained a victory, do not push it too far; 'tis sufficient to let the company and your adversary see 'tis in your power but that you are too generous to make use of it.
When an argument is over, how many weighty reasons does a man recollect which his heat and violence made him utterly forget?
The reason why we see that people of the greatest capacity are not rich, is either they despise wealth in comparison to something else, or, they are not content in getting an estate, unless they may do it in their own way, while at the same time enjoying all the pleasures and gratitude's of life.
When you have gained a victory, do not push it too far.