You can't change where you come from, but you can change where you go from here. Just like a book. If you don't like the ending, you make up a new one.
Sarah Addison Allen -
Willa?" "Yes" "It's morning and I still love you.
Sarah Addison Allen
You are who you are, whether you like it or not, so why not like it?
Sarah Addison Allen -
After you finish a book, the story still goes on in your mind. You can never change the beginning. But you can always change the end.
Sarah Addison Allen -
When you're happy for yourself, it fills you. When you're happy for someone else, it pours over.
Sarah Addison Allen -
Don't let anyone see your vulnerable spots. Once they knew how to hurt you, they would do it again and again.
Sarah Addison Allen -
People adapt. People change. You can grow where you're planted.
Sarah Addison Allen -
She never thought she was good at making friends. But maybe she was just trying to be friends with the wrong people.
Sarah Addison Allen
People always say life is too short for regrets. But the truth is, it's too long.
Sarah Addison Allen -
People fall in love all the time. And it's not always with the right people. And it's not always reciprocated.
Sarah Addison Allen -
The words were strung in the air like garland. She could almost see them.
Sarah Addison Allen -
We have history, you and I. You just don’t know it yet.
Sarah Addison Allen -
The next morning dawned bright and sweet, like ribbon candy.
Sarah Addison Allen -
Memories, even hard memories, grew soft like peaches as they grow older.
Sarah Addison Allen
When someone needs help, you help. Right?
Sarah Addison Allen -
Love always hurts. That’s one thing I know you know. But it’s worth it. That’s what you don’t know. Yet.
Sarah Addison Allen -
Superstitions are man's way of trying to control things he has no control over.
Sarah Addison Allen -
Magic is what we invent when we want something we think we cant have.
Sarah Addison Allen -
When your cup is empty, you do not mourn what is gone. Because if you do, you will miss the opportunity to fill it again.
Sarah Addison Allen -
Her friendship . . . still existed, as if it was a living, breathing thing, something that came to life the moment it happened and didn't just go away because they no longer acknowledged it.
Sarah Addison Allen
If we measured life in the things that almost happened, we wouldn't get anywhere.
Sarah Addison Allen -
Sometimes you weren't supposed to share pain. Sometimes it was best just to deal with it alone.
Sarah Addison Allen -
That, they knew, was true friendship. And they knew, if you're lucky enough to find it, you hold on to it.
Sarah Addison Allen -
He reached for her and kissed her. It was all at once passionate, as if there was too much in him to contain. He was immediately swept up in it. It took no effort, the difference between swimming on your own and being washed away in a flood.
Sarah Addison Allen